Tuesday 16 October 2012


According to U.S Research Malaria is caused by a parasitic protozoan, the Plasmodium. This parasite is injected in to the blood of a man by a female carrier anopheles mosquito when she bites him for sucking blood. This is because that the parasites are present in the salivary gland of the mosquito. The malarial parasites attack liver cells and red blood cells where the parasites reproduces asexually. The toxin which the parasite produces, upon their release in to the blood causes fever. Symptoms of the disease are chill, shivering ending in profuse sweating. The patient becomes anemic due to the damage of the red blood cells. Death may occur if untreated,. The treatment includes antimalarial drugs such as Nivaquine, Resochin and Chloro quine.

Thursday 11 October 2012


According to Britain Research the fungus Trichophyton causing ring worm also belong to the group dermatophyte. The fungus attack the skin causing localized more or less circular lesions. Some dermatophyte infects the hair follicles, hairs follicles, hair and nails. The fungus lives in the epidermis causes infection in the drier parts of the skin. Fungicidal ointments are used for the treatment of ringworm.


This disease is caused by a fungus belonging to dermatophyte group. This is a disease of skin and nails. In this disease, the toes get infected and there is itching between the toes. The skin starts peeling and cracking. The nails get infected and become thick, brittle and yellow. This disease is most common in athletes who wear sweaty shoes for long periods. Fungi grow best in excessive heat and sweat which is availabe inside the shoes. Therefore keeping the feet dry prevents athlete`s foot. Many gungus infections are controlled by the external applicatrion of ointments that kills the particular fungus. In some cases, however, especially when the infection is deep seated, treatment by X-rays or ultraviolet light is required.

Monday 8 October 2012


According to U.S Research AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a special type of virus, The human immunodeficiency virus  (HIV) which attact certain kinds of lymphocytes and thus weakens the body`s immune response. HIV is transmitted by direct infection of the blood and y the use of infected needls. It can also be transmitted sexually both between man and woman. After infection the symptoms does not appear immediately but it takes years. So people may carry virus yet not show any sympotoms. Death does not resulf from the virus it self, but form disease such as pneumonia, blood disorders, skin cancer or damage to the nervous system which the body can not resist. This disease is not ransmitted by droplets, by saliva or by normal every ay contract. There is no effective drugs or vaccines against it. However research is carried on with hope of fruitful results.


This virus attacks the lining of the throat and breathing passages, giving rise to inflammation of the trachea, bronchii and bronchioles. The symptoms of the disease are high temperature, headache, dry cough and mild sore throat. The disease subsides by itself in two to four days. Aspirin is often used to subside the temperature. Abtibiotics are used against this infection.


This virus of this disease enters the human body through respiratory tract from where it reaches the blood stream. The person then starts coughing, feels headache and inflammation of the eyes occurs. Spots in the mouth are present for several days before the rash on the skin comes out. The rash consists of pink brownish blotches all over the body that may persist for a week or two. The patient is often very ill but the temperature fails after a few days and by the end of the week the patient feels well again. There is no specific treatment for measels. Any how antibiotics can be taken to prevent  seconday complications.


The polio virus comes out of the body of the patient with the nose and throat discharge and the faeces. These viruses enter the digestive tract of a healthy person through the mouth from where it penetrates the blood vessels and finally reaches the nervous system and destroy the nerve cells and cause paralysis in children. The initial symptoms of the diasease are similar to those of common cold accompanied by fever, headache, indigestion, vomiting, paralysis of the neck and back and spasm of a muscle. The patient should e immediately isolated and hospitalized. Effected muscles can be restored to normal position by physiotherapy. Children`s can be immunized against this disease with POLIO VACCINE.

Sunday 7 October 2012


This is a disease of the intestinal tract caused by a bacterium SHIGELLA. This is like a diarrhoeal disease in which the stool contains blood, mucus and pus. The bacteria are spread by dirty finger, faeces, flies and contaminated food. Since humans are the main source of infection, the disease can be controlled by improving personal hygiene, sanitation, proper sewage disposal and fly control. Affected persons should not be allowe to handle food or work in restaurants.


It is a disease of the digestive tract caused by a bacterium vibrio comma. The bacterium comes out of the body with faeces of a chelera patient and can contaminate the food with fingers, water and flies that land on the faeces of a cholera patient. Common symptoms are vomiting and diarrhoeal type of motions. The intensity is so severe that in a short time excess loss of minerals and dehydration takes place. If these minerals and water are not restored in to the body immediately, the patient may die, Prevention measures include the use of clean and hygienic food. Food should be kept out of the reach of flies and water should be boiled before use. Faeces of the patient should be properly disposed off to prevent sprea of disease by flies. The disease can be controlled by active immunization of the population by vaccination with cholera vaccine.


This disease is caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Common symptoms of the disease are prolonged coughing, constant mild fever, chest pain, fatigue and loss of weight. The source of infection are the cattles and man himself. Infected cattles like cows, buffalos give milk which contains the germs of this disease. If such milk is taken by man the germs infect the intestine and cause intestinal T.B. Human sputum is the main source of tuberculosis infection. Upon coughing of a diseased person, the germs are transferred to a healthy person through the air in droplets. Food handled by T.B patients can also cause T.B in healthy persons.

Tuberculosis is also caused by poor hugienic conditions such as poor food, bad housing, over crowding and polluted air as all these factors weaken the defensive mechanism. Mild infections can be controlled by inproving the living conditions of people such as balanced diet, fresh air and rest. Use of antibiotics is effective in controlling the disease, where as in advance cases the infected parts are removed surgically. Infants should be immunized with BCG against turberculosis.


Viruses, bacteria, many fungi, few algae and all protozoa are classified as microorganisms. The science which deals with their studies is called micro biology. Microorganisms are very small in size and can be seen with the help of a microscope. Microorganisms are unicellular, but a few are multicellular. They are found everywhere, in air, water, soil an the food we eat. They are present on our body surface, alimentary canal, mouth, nose and other body parts.

  Microorganisms affect the welfare of mankind in many ways, some are beneficial and others are harmful spoiling our food, water and cause diseases in mankind. Some of the microorganisms cause great damage to paper, textiles and other house hold items