Monday 8 October 2012


According to U.S Research AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by a special type of virus, The human immunodeficiency virus  (HIV) which attact certain kinds of lymphocytes and thus weakens the body`s immune response. HIV is transmitted by direct infection of the blood and y the use of infected needls. It can also be transmitted sexually both between man and woman. After infection the symptoms does not appear immediately but it takes years. So people may carry virus yet not show any sympotoms. Death does not resulf from the virus it self, but form disease such as pneumonia, blood disorders, skin cancer or damage to the nervous system which the body can not resist. This disease is not ransmitted by droplets, by saliva or by normal every ay contract. There is no effective drugs or vaccines against it. However research is carried on with hope of fruitful results.

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