Sunday 7 October 2012


This disease is caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Common symptoms of the disease are prolonged coughing, constant mild fever, chest pain, fatigue and loss of weight. The source of infection are the cattles and man himself. Infected cattles like cows, buffalos give milk which contains the germs of this disease. If such milk is taken by man the germs infect the intestine and cause intestinal T.B. Human sputum is the main source of tuberculosis infection. Upon coughing of a diseased person, the germs are transferred to a healthy person through the air in droplets. Food handled by T.B patients can also cause T.B in healthy persons.

Tuberculosis is also caused by poor hugienic conditions such as poor food, bad housing, over crowding and polluted air as all these factors weaken the defensive mechanism. Mild infections can be controlled by inproving the living conditions of people such as balanced diet, fresh air and rest. Use of antibiotics is effective in controlling the disease, where as in advance cases the infected parts are removed surgically. Infants should be immunized with BCG against turberculosis.

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